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Advancing Facilitation Through Technology with panelists Nancy White, Amy Lenzo, and Nancy Settle-Murphy and moderator, Michael Randel

  • 03/13/2015
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Online using Adobe Connect


  • MAFN Webinar presenters for the year

The development of group-ware in the late 1980s allowed facilitators to begin designing meetings where information technology/computers could play a significant role in enabling the exchange of ideas and in identifying priorities for action. Now, more than 25 years later, the continuing development of software and hardware means that facilitators and participants have access to a wide range of meeting support tools that can accommodate different budgets.

How have facilitators grown and developed their practices as the technology has developed? What have they learned about what is unique about technology-supported meetings? And how are these experiences enriching the group processes they facilitate that don’t use any technology?

Participate in MAFN’s March webinar to hear from three successful facilitators who have advanced their facilitation practice in various ways through technology. Bring your curiousity and questions, and come with your own experiences, for a rich exchange on how facilitators advance their practice through technology.


As the founder of Full Circle Associates, Nancy White helps organizations connect through online and offline strategies.  Nancy is an online interaction designer, facilitator and coach for distributed communities of practice, online learning, distributed teams and online communities. She has a special interest in the NGO/NPO sector. Nancy blogs at as well as teaches, presents and writes on online facilitation and interaction, social architecture and social media ( She is co-author with Etienne Wenger and John Smith of Digital Habitats: stewarding technology for communities. (    

    Amy Lenzo served as the Director of Global Communications for the World Café Community Foundation for 8 years, during which she created their virtual communications infrastructure and pioneered the use of this internationally renowned methodology in online environments. She is the co-author, with Adriano Pianesi, of ‘The Art of Online Hosting’, published in the Systems Thinker, March 2011. Currently, as Director of Learning Programs for the World Café, Amy designs and presents the World Café’s learning programs online as Adjunct Faculty at Fielding Graduate University, and delivers participatory online event hosting, consulting and technology services though weDialogue    

Nancy Settle-Murphy is president of Guided Insights, a facilitation, training and communications strategy consulting firm based in Boxborough, MA. Her specialty: Helping organizations achieve exceptional results within a surprisingly short time through highly-productive conversations that keep people actively engaged, regardless of location or time zone. By deftly using “blended facilitation,” Nancy enables people to participate in multiple ways, at different times, or at the same time. Navigating through cross-cultural tripwires and working across time zones is a special area of focus, with clients scattered throughout New England, across North America, and in Europe and Asia. Nancy’s book, Leading Effective Virtual Teams, was published by CRC Press in December 2012.    


Michael Randel has spent more than 20 years designing and facilitating interactive meetings and events.  His experience of working with clients on four continents has resulted in a unique framework for designing and facilitating engaging meetings that can be applied in groups of all sizes, whether meeting in person or virtually.   Michael founded Randel Consulting Associates in 2006, and works with clients at local, national and global levels.  He is recognized by the IAF as a Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF) and has served as MAFN’s Board of Directors Chair since June 2012    

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