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Getting to the Other Side of Conflict: Facilitating Difficult Conversations by Dianne Lipsey and Shayne Julius

  • 05/08/2015
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Online using Adobe Connect


  • MAFN Webinar presenters for the year

Conflicts, disagreement, and other emotionally-charged or high-stakes exchanges, occur on a regular basis. Our natural inclination may be to avoid or circumvent such exchanges, but often, navigating through is the best way to enable understanding, build relationships and give life to innovative ideas.

Whether you knew in advance that a group might be challenging, encountered an unexpectedly charged disruption, or discovered hidden conflict in the room, staying in the moment and guiding the people in the room through to the other side can be one of the most challenging and satisfying roles we play as facilitators.   

In this session, you will learn a framework for understanding how conflict exists in groups, hear tips for managing your own reaction as well as responding to the group, and participate in a dialogue on strategies for moving the group forward. 

Dianne Lipsey is a founding principal and president of ADR Vantage. Since 1993 her leadership has helped ADR Vantage expand from a small ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) consulting firm to the thriving organization it is today, offering a wide array of services that support strong workplaces and successful organizations. Dianne enjoys trusted relationships with her clients and uses her expertise as a facilitator, mediator, trainer and coach to help them deepen their capacity, whether as an organizational leader, manager or entering employee, for engagement, support and success. Dianne is fascinated by the complexity of workplace relationships and how to enhance them through new methods, tools, and strategies. In addition to her MS in counseling and BS in psychology, Dianne is a certified administrator of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Strength Deployment Inventory.

Shayne Julius is a trainer, mediator, facilitator, and consultant. She joined ADR Vantage in 2011, bringing with her a passion for improving workplaces through good communication, effective processes and the empowerment of individual employees. Shayne earned an M.S. in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University, is a Green Cross-certified Compassion Fatigue Educator, and has been trained in mediation, facilitation, problem-solving, crisis counseling, appreciative inquiry, ombudsman services, body language, improvisation and storytelling. Shayne brings strategic thinking and compassion to her work as a consultant and is effective at helping clients navigate even the most complex projects. Shayne is a member opt MAFN and a co-host for MAFN's Facilitator Webinar Series.

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