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Become a Reflective Practitioner: Join the Conversation and Reflect on the Ethics and Values that form the Foundation of Your Facilitation Practice - presented by Kimberly Bain

  • 02/10/2017
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Online using Adobe Connect


  • MAFN Webinar presenters for the year

Registration is closed

As individuals, and as professionals, we must be continually mindful of how we exercise our power as Facilitators when helping groups achieve their desired outcomes. Awareness is the first step towards insight. Consideration and reflection are in the interests of each of us, our profession as a whole and in the interests of those we serve.

The value of a professional Code of Ethics is limited to the consideration and reflection we each give to the Code and how we each apply it in the circumstances of our professional practice. We owe it to our clients to act with an informed appreciation of the ethical issues and competencies needed to help groups build consensus and produce meaningful outcomes. 

MAFN will be hosting a group reflective exercise to explore the issues of ethics in our profession. The session will help you explore your own ethical values and flex your ethical facilitator muscles by reflecting on a number of real life ethical dilemmas faced by our host/author and colleague Facilitators from around the world.


Kimberly Bain ( is Senior Partner in Bain Group Consulting, based in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Kimberly is an IAF Certified Professional Facilitator, is Past-Chair of the International Association of Facilitators and holds the appointment of visiting scholar in facilitation at Queen’s University and a faculty member at St. Lawrence College. Ms Bain also holds certificates in strategy, mediation and dispute resolution, an Honours Degree from Queen’s University and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Carleton University.

As an expert facilitator, Kimberly works with groups numbering 5 to 500, helping them reach consensus and achieve a sense of common purpose. She has facilitated community groups, professionals, volunteers, academics, hospitals, medical professionals, government departments and stakeholder groups. She is well known for her facilitative and consensus building style, her innovative approach to strategic planning, her expert conflict resolution techniques and her varied facilitation techniques and processes. Kimberly’s recent book The Reflective Practitioner: Becoming a Reflective Ethical Facilitator made the Amazon best sellers list and is quickly becoming a seminal resource for facilitators around the world.

Recommended Resources

Become a Reflective Practitioner: The Reflective Ethical Facilitator's Guide by Kimberly Bain; this book can be purchased for under $10 in pdf at or as an e-book at Amazon.

Additional Information:

  • Approximately 2-3 days prior to this workshop, you will receive additional, more detailed instructions for joining the live session. 
  • The workshop will begin promptly at noon Eastern Time, but we strongly recommend you log-in to the website at 11:45 am to address any connection issues.
  • If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact Megan Primeau (email:; text/call: 416-885-2513)

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