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Expanding the Scope of Facilitation Engagements: Helping Clients Optimize Improvement Opportunities by Gene Bacher

  • 01/17/2014
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Online using Adobe Connect


This webinar starts from the presumption that all facilitation engagements are intended to improve organizational performance in some way, shape or form. Consequently, facilitators need to have an appreciation for and understanding of the full range of organizational improvement models and frameworks in order to help client organizations recognize their improvement opportunities and select the optimum improvement approach.

This session will provide a catalog of the most well known performance improvement approaches and provide a universal framework for understanding performance improvement. You will be given the language and concepts to help you assure your clients are able to take full advantage of your facilitation skills. The session will provide guidance as well as the opportunity to reflect on your own experience.

As a federal executive, Gene Bacher contributed to the “Reinventing Government” enterprise for the U.S. Department of Energy during the Clinton-Gore Administration. Upon retirement he served as the East Coast representative for the Council for Continuous Improvement, Treasurer of the Northern Virginia chapter of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) and as a performance improvement consultant to Federal agencies, particularly the U. S. Marine Corps. His doctoral dissertation in Public Administration focused on the continuous improvement philosophy of Dr. W. Edward Deming which is at the core of this Webinar. He is the author of the recently published article in ASTD's The Public Manager magazine, "You're Expected to Improve Your Organization's Performance. Now What?"   

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